When was the last time you owned an old car that needed constant maintenance? Eventually, you must decide: is it better to buy a new car or keep repairing the old one? As your kitchen cabinetry ages, you may find yourself in the same difficulty.
Many people start repairing original cabinets, only to regret it once they've completed 70% of the process. However, that doesn't mean it's always a terrible idea to repair rather than replace, and in some instances, resurfacing cabinets rather than purchasing new ones is a better option. In this article, we have discussed in detail when is the best time to replace your kitchen cabinets.
Installing your kitchen cabinets might feel like they'll be there for a long time, and that's precisely what they should be. Your wood cabinets' lifespan will depend on the quality of their construction. Generally, a high-quality cabinet may survive for more than 50 years. While this may seem like a very long time, the cabinets in your kitchen are among the most durable fixtures in your home.
For How Long Do Kitchen Cabinets Last?
If you're thinking about replacing your cabinets, think about whether or not any of your other kitchen appliances or features will require replacing in the near future. For the standard kitchen equipment, a survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders found that:
● A sink lasts for 5-10 years
● A faucet works well for 15 years
● A Dishwasher's age is 9, but a cabinet's age is fifty years old. —
● A typical gas tank lasts about 15 years.
● A Refrigerator works well for 13 years
● Natural stone countertops have a lifetime warranty.
● Marble countertops last 20 years.
When choosing new cabinets, you should keep this in mind if you want to replace other parts of your kitchen soon, both for aesthetic and financial reasons. Because cabinets stay for such a long time, it's important to select ones that fit well with your present appliances and any future purchases. Classic design cabinets are the best long-term investments for achieving this without a hitch.
It's possible that you won't know how old your cabinets are if you buy them secondhand. That's not to say that age isn't essential. Simply looking at how long your cabinets have been used is not enough. Your kitchen cabinets' original quality doesn't matter as much when determining how soon they'll wear out. For one thing, not every cabinet will be able to survive for 50 years—or even close to it.
Refurbishing or Repairing Cabinets To Last
Making a final choice on whether or not to spend the time and resources necessary to repair your cabinets is a significant investment. Cabinets that are more than a decade old may need to be replaced. Because of early wear and tear, cabinets might begin to decompose far before they should. It's crucial to figure out what caused your cabinets to wear out beyond repair so that it doesn't happen again.
Even if you buy new cabinets, you won't be able to prevent the problem from occurring again until you first fix the problem that caused your old cabinets to wear out. Cabinets that are frequently exposed to moisture and humidity should be examined for signs of warping or swelling. A humidifier can assist prevent the deterioration of your cabinets if they are warped due to high humidity.
If you have any questions or want a quote on new cabinets or refinishing your current ones, just give us a call!